White Champa, White Champak, •Hindi: चम्पा Champa Sanskrit: Champaka. Botanical name:Magnolia x alba Family: Magnoliaceae(Magnolia family)

White Champa is a hybrid between M. champaca anf M. montana, grown as an ornamental and used medicinally. The plant is usually not fruiting and is propagated by grafting. It is a tree up to 17 m tall, up to 30 cm d.b.h. with bark gray. Flowers are very fragrant. Tepals are 10, white, lanceshaped, 3-4 cm x 3-5 mm. Staminal connective protruding and forming a long tip. Branches and leaves are fragrant after being crushed. Twigs are patent, forming a broadly umbelliform crown.Young twigs and buds are densely pale yellowish white puberulous, trichomes gradually deciduous with age. Leaf-stalks are 1.5-2 cm, sparsely puberulous, leaves long elliptic to narrowly ovate, 10-27 x 4-9.5 cm, thinly leathery, base cuneate, tip long-pointed to tip falling off. Flowering: April-September.

Magnolia x alba


With a passion for conservation especially in regards to plant taxonomy, systematics and ethnobotany, I want to engage in research that contributes to protecting the environment and to know the importance of plants, sustainably. My original interest in plant systematics was captured during my graduation time in BSc Botany at PG college Chamba, Himachal Pradesh, India. I strive to continue expanding my skills and learning new techniques whilst applying those I have gained throughout my academic and professional journey, to contribute to a sustainable future.

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