Blue Sage

Blue Sage, Eranthemum • Hindi: गुलशाम Gulsham • Tamil: Neelamulli • Telugu: Neelambaramu
Botanical name:Eranthemum pulchellum 

Family:Acanthaceae (Acanthus family)
Synonyms: Eranthemum nervosum, Justicia nervosa, Daedalacanthus nervosus

Blue Sage is a woody perennial herb or shrub. Leaves opposite simple, stalked, usually entire, elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 10-24 x 4.5-8 cm, basally narrowed, prominently nerved, lateral nerves about 10 pairs, long pointed. Flowers are blue, purple, violet or purplish-white at branch-ends or in leaf-axils, in simple or branched dense spikes. Flower tube is cylindrical, more than twice as long as or equal patent limb lobes, overlapping. Fertile stamens are 2 with narrowly oblong, anthers, protruding out. Sepal-cup is deeply 5-lobed, sepals equal, valvate, almost scarious. Bracts are large, longer than the sepal-cup, neither fringed with hairs nor spinescent, bracteoles smaller than sepals. Blue Sage is found in the subtropical Himalaya, Punjab to Bhutan, Burma, Indo-China, W. China, at altitudes of 200-1200 m. Flowering: February-April.


With a passion for conservation especially in regards to plant taxonomy, systematics and ethnobotany, I want to engage in research that contributes to protecting the environment and to know the importance of plants, sustainably. My original interest in plant systematics was captured during my graduation time in BSc Botany at PG college Chamba, Himachal Pradesh, India. I strive to continue expanding my skills and learning new techniques whilst applying those I have gained throughout my academic and professional journey, to contribute to a sustainable future.

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